Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Leda the Swan


In Greek Mythology Leda was the daughter of king Thestius. Mother of Helen (later to be known as Helen of Troy), Clytemenstra, Castor and Pollux.

Zeus (sometimes refered to as Jupiter) admired Leda's beaut,y came down to earth and seduced (raped) her disguised as a swan. They had sex the same night her and her husband Tyndareus, which resulted in two eggs where her four children sprang out of. According to legend which children are from who is not clear nor to which egg the children came out of. It is most often attributed that Helen is the daughter of Zeus due to her exquiste beauty.

Leda and the Swan is a popular motif explored throughout art history and even literature. William Butler Yeats wrote a rather graphic poem detailing the account of the rape of Leda. The story explores many themes. Sex, the supernatural, transformation, and fate vs. free will. Artist from Leondaro to Dali have examined such themes through their work.

Information taken from Encyclopedia Britanica

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