Leonardo Da Vinci
Oil on Panel
This work survives only through copies
I would like to note that through my research it occurred that Leda seems in most interpertations to welcome the violation.
Love, Sex, Betrayal, Lust. Leda is quite the subject. Here in Da Vinci's interpretation the occurance of the rape is not so much represented as in michangelo's interpertation depicting the singular act, instead leda caresses the swans neck, and two out of four of the children play in a rather muted meadow. Hills and the village behind implore an interesting use of perspective and give the painting more depth. So the sense and grounding basis of time is non-existant in Da Vinci's interpertation.
In an article in the Independent by Tom Lubbock, he details that the subject interpertaion of Leda and the swan goes in another direction and forgets that the swan is meant to be Jupiter(Zeus) in temporary disguise. He portrays the connubial bliss of woman and bird. Here the couple live together swan and wife next to the husbands pond both naked canoodling. There is the suggestion of self gratification as Leda looks away(End Reference)
Da Vinci's use of linear and atmospheric perspective is characteristic of the High Renissance, the common subejct as the rape of Leda is given a softer if not agreeable interpertaion. Forget the fact that Zeus has manifested himself as an animal and raping a human, beastality seemed to be okay back then as long as it was a woman being violated and not a man. The swans wing is around Leda much in the way to lovers would embrace.
In a closer detail Leda holds some sort of bushing or flower, since this image has been lost and recopied it is hard to judge. In this one the swan is darker, Leda more pale so it is hard to gage a valid interpertaion. The darkness of the swan leads my mind to a more sinster place.
The expression on Leda's face remains rather innocent and sly.
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